Kick-Off Meeting of Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for Cimanggu Field Exploration Drilling Infrastructure

17 Jun 2022

BANDUNGLocated on the world's tectonic plate, Indonesia is closely related to the existence of geothermal energy resources. Geothermal is one of the renewable energy resources and a clean energy resource that releases fewer greenhouse gases than fossil fuels. According to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (2018), Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest geothermal resources in the world, with the estimation of geothermal resources reaching around 28.5 Giga Watt electrical (GWe) consisting of 11,073 MW resources and 17,453 MW reserves. As one of the potential renewable energy resources, the government encourages increased utilization of geothermal resources in Indonesia.

PT. Geo Dipa Energi (Persero) has received an Energy Sales Contract (ESC) commitment or a power purchase agreement with PT PLN (Persero), with a capacity of 400 MW. However, until 2022, only one generator unit has been built with a capacity of 55 MW. Since 2021, the development of unit 2 has also been carried out. Meanwhile, the reservoir simulation results indicate that the area can only meet the steam needs for unit 1 and unit 2 generators, so it is necessary to explore new areas. 

 Exploration activities in new areas require supporting infrastructures, such as access roads, well pads, basecamps, laydowns, and pipelines for drilling water needs. Therefore, PT. Geo Dipa Energi (Persero) needs to do Front End Engineering Design for civil and infrastructure.

 NSE has been trusted by PT. Geo Dipa Energi (Persero) to carry out the work of Front End Engineering Design (FEED) of Exploration Drilling Infrastructure for the Cimanggu Field as support for drilling activities.

 The initial stage of this project is the Kick-Off Meeting between PT. Geo Dipa Energi (Persero) and NSE, which was held in Bandung on Thursday, June 2, 2022. The agenda discussed in this meeting was the administration (organizational structure and permit) and technical (survey methods and analysis) issues to ensure this project's objectives are achieved.